Posted by SainSmart on

Welcome everyone to the first installment of George's Product Picks!


Here at SainSmart, we release new products on a regular basis, ranging from accessories for our much-loved CNC's3D Printers and all the way to a vast array of unique and independent products.

With all these new products coming out, some time these things can fall under the radar, and that's where I come in! Have a look below at some of the coolest new products from around our store that caught my interest:

4" Inline Duct Fan

Capable of pushing out an overwhelming 195 CFM of air for it's compact size, this little fan could be used for a variety of applications, the chief one in my mind being to pair it with a 3D Printed Cyclone Separator, for the ultimate CNC dust/debris removal system.

Many hobbiests use wet/dry vacuum cleaners for this conventionally, but such machines are really not meant to be run for hours, or even days at a time when you are doing larger projects, and you risk breaking them in doing so. In comparison, this inline fan is the perfect candidate for the job.


3D Printer Enclosure

I've been working with 3D printers for a long time, and boy do I wish something like this was around and for sale back in the day. Lined with insulation from top to bottom on it's interior, this enclosure knows how to keep in the heat, improving print quality and reducing the risk of warped parts. While not mandatory for all filament types, this is absolutely a must have for some materials like ABS.

As an added bonus, and an important one for those who have to share their spaces with others, but this also does a great job of reducing machine noise, exposure to fumed and even undesirable smells.

Easy to assemble, light weight and collapsible, this enclosure is a must-have for the 3D printing enthusiast!


Digital Angle Gauge with Magnetic Base

This digital angle gauge is definitely part of my own wish list for Santa, come this Christmas.

As much as I love my CNC's, some times you just have to get back to more conventional methods to get the job done, and if I want to make a box with mitered corners, the first thing to do is make sure not to trust the angle gauge on your table saw, since what you set it to isn't always what you get. Instead, by putting this device on the table and zeroing it out, and then using the magnet to stick it to the saw blade itself, I can get those perfect 45 degree angles every time.

Magnetic V-Block with On/Off Switch

I first came into contact with these devices when I was learning to do metal working, it was great because by when you turn the magnet on it would not only magnetize the upper V portion, but also the base, allowing it to hold heavy metal sheets in place while I focused on welding them.

Other than welding, I have also found these blocks exceedingly useful when using a vertical mill for quickly and easily holding down materials for surfacing operations, chamfering edges and even holding tools or loose parts when I have no other uses for it.

XpertMatic 3 Stage Aquarium Filter

Did you know that we sell some aquarium supplies & equipment? I sure didn't!

Limited to years of binging on YouTube videos on aquascaping, and dreaming up my ideal shrimp tank, setting up an aquarium has been on my short list of hobbies to get into for years now, and this seems perfect for my needs!

What I like about this, aside from the device itself being entirely submerged and easy to hide, is that it also continually supplements oxygen into your tank through a small hose which reaches outside the tank.
Moreover, I like that this 3 stage filter can be broken down and each stage filled with whatever you want, from whoever you want to buy it from. While we do have some very nice filter media for sale, you're not forced to expensive cartridges like some big name competitors. This lets you meet the needs of your tank while saving money.

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